Monday, July 9, 2018

Married to an East Cleveland Bully 2


Have you ever worked your way to the top, only to feel like your entire world is crashing down? Chevron has everything he has ever wanted and more. With his wife Roxie by his side, he is confident that he’s a few moves away from making them Cleveland’s next power couple. There’s only one problem, Roxie is naïve to the street life and unknowingly puts him in a position to choose between his wife and the game he plays so well. There’s no question where his loyalty lies. His heart is with Roxie, but just as soon as he overcomes one obstacle, another one presents itself. Jonah puts him in a bind that’s almost impossible to get out of. It’s a daunting task, but he’s determined to reign supreme. After all, he is an East Cleveland Bully.

Cicely is a battered mess when she arrives at the hospital. Jonah stays by her side despite his ill-feelings toward her. He wants the person responsible to pay and plans to administer justice himself. It turns into a cat-and-mouse game as he searches high and low for Romaine. In the process, he gets closer to Cicely and struggles with his conflicting heart.

Ambria is on a mission to better herself. Tired of seeing someone else raise her child, she strives to be a better woman. The backlash from her mother causes problems between her and Roxie. She lets the conflict fester, creating animosity between the two sisters. Refusing to give in, she focuses her time and attention on the one person she can’t seem to take her mind off of – Jaren. Unbeknownst to him, Ambria has been keeping a secret that will impact his life forever.

Everything is all fun and games until it’s time to get down and dirty. There’s no room for error in the unforgiving Cleveland streets. While some prosper, others learn the hard way. Find out how it all plays out for the characters in Married to an East Cleveland Bully 2.

Extra Brown Sugar, Please

Have you read this novella? It's now available on Amazon!!!

Who doesn’t love a wedding? It’s a fun time for friends and family to come together and witness a union of love. The gang from ‘Brown Sugar’ get an in-depth look at just how hectic the days leading up the big event can be. Everyone is on their toes as the days wind down to Steele and Nessa’s vowel renewal ceremony. While it’s a happy time for some, for others, their lives are forever changed.

Shugg and Cedric are busy being parents to their young son. Cree occupies most of their time, but they still find ways keep things spicy. After a chaotic few years, their lives are finally on track and they’re looking forward to the future.

Davina and Genesis have settled into married life. They are constantly on the move with their numerous business ventures. Although life has been good to them, Genesis’ request for a baby hinders their relationship. Davina is content with it being just the two of them. Genesis, on the other hand, isn’t having it.

‘Out with the old, and in with the new’ is Stephanie’s motto. She ditched her cheating husband, Jett, and moved on to some younger eye candy that has her feeling like a new woman. Unfortunately, she can’t seem to escape the past. Reminders of Jett’s infidelity follow her everywhere she turns.

Bliss loves having all of her family around, but when she stumbles upon some unexpected news, it changes the way she views the people closest to her. It’s hard for her to let go and the relationship with one of her siblings crosses the point of no return.

Nessa goes all out for her vowel renewal ceremony. No expense is spared to ensure that her day is perfect. What the attendees don’t know, is that she has an ulterior motive. She’s mad, angry, and at her wits end. Her husband, Steele, learns firsthand that, ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’.